New on my channel... Charlie Brown smoking cigars? Say it ain't so!?
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 A few Christmas Movies on my channel you might enjoy... Scrooge - the first film adaptation of A Christmas Carol from Charles Dickens. Honestly, this might be my favorite version. The other is a short version of Rudolph. The 3rd is a little tale from my days delivering packages for Brown. I hope you enjoy!

UPS Christmas Cookies

"Daisy" Johnson's Brutal Campaign Ad

 I stumbled across this one, today...  
We're told every 4 years how important the vote is to the future of the country.

Counting to 1000 a little faster...


Folks were asking for my "Counting to 1000" video to be a little faster.
Say no more, champ!

Uncle Tom's Cabin!

I think this might be my favorite one, yet!
I hope you enjoy!
I'm pretty sure this is the first film adaptation of the book.

people suck

My entire life, I've been a pretty helpful person. For whatever reason, I've always gotten a kick out of it.

I've never regretted helping people. 

I do regret asking prior for help. 

I truly regret it. 

Here are three that are related in that they are all examples of early special effects.  The best is the first one, which is probably the very first film adaptation of Frankenstein.  

I hope you enjoy!  


This sprang forth from me finding I was having the same conversation with more than one friend, giving the same advice to them.  

It's specifically for MEN who have kids and are married to their FIRST WIFE.  Of course, anyone is welcome to watch, but this is a targeted message.


Browsing the Library of Congress, I found a few videos from the US Government attempting to boost patriotism among black Americans.  I KNEW there were propaganda pieces made, but didn't realize they targets blacks specifically.  I'd love to know if the distribution of these was similarly targeted...

J Staff interviews yours truly.

Well, duh... of course the first link to this channel is going to be a narcisstic one! J Staff interviewing yours truly. The other videos he has are most certainly more worth watching, so subscribe to my man!

Flying Tractor Trailer Trailer

Ever see a trailer... As in tractor trailer - holder half flying? 

flying trailer

Now you have! 😂

Gag Video

I had a hilarious idea for a video. Imagine a video where it's completely silent with a black screen for a solid hour. At the end of that hour, loud screaming! So, you turn up the volume, maximize the video, and walk away. 😂😂😂💀💀💀

Evolution and Creation

I straddle the fence between being an evolutionist and a creationist. Let me explain why...

Bizarre Request

I had repeated requests for a video of a kick drum at 130 beats per minute. So, why not make a 12 hour version I've been video? Enjoy?