Not Exactly a Home Repair Video...

It's been a while since I've put anything up, hasn't it?  Forgive me!  Winter is rather busy for me.  Work gets insanely hectic, we have tons of obligations at church (which we love,) and then there's the usual holiday crunch.  Work has finally slowed down to the point that I can breathe, so I have begun to get back to my normal pace.  With that came a slight remodeling of our master bathroom.  It's still not finished, but I did manage to replace the shower.

It's funny.  We didn't start with a plan to remodel it, but to only replace a dripping shower faucet.  At first, I attempted to just replace the worn out washer in the faucet, but in doing so found the manifold of the faucet was actually cracked.  So, I had to replace that...   The shower is an enormous single piece fiberglass unit, so replacing the manifold BEHIND it was a huge task.  At first, I attempted multiple times to do so through a hole cut into the fiberglass.  I'd bought a decorative piece to cover the hole when I'd finished.  Alas, I simply couldn't do the plumbing through that hole...  the only solution would be to remove the single piece shower and replace it.  If I was going to do that, I may as well do the whole bathroom!

I had it in mind to do a "home repair" video like I've done in the past, but just didn't have the patience.  So, I put together a slightly different kind of video...  It's only a minute long, so I hope you enjoy!

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